To my honorable good frende Syre francys walsyngham knyght har magystyes prencypall secretory
29. December .1578 From the Countesse of Shrewsburie Scottish queen will answeare &c
Good mayster secretory my approuyd good frend to whome I do yn mynd acknoleledge my selfe greatly beouldynge the openyone you haue of my fydelyte and lyall sarues to har magystye and frendly affeccyone you bare me for that cause shall I dowte not so unnyte owre myndes to gether as therby shall contenew assuryed frenshep betweste vs. for yf ther be fown[d] any subgett more faythfoull to har magystye or more carefoull to dyscharge my bonden dewty to my so nobyll soferyne then I. lett me neuer inioye your frenchepe nor thynke me worthey to leue. my lorde prononced the contentes of thartycles you sente to thys queen who semed not so meche to myslyke of the same as that he charged har with them. and not therfor well plesed with hym. sayd she wold not put har ansore to hys reporte for dowte of hys adecyone but wryte har selfe at hur perell as she hath done and that stayed my Lord so longe becausse she kepe har bede saiynge crestolme day euer yn affecte synce my comynge she ys growed lene and seckely and saythe wante of exarcyse brynge har yn to that weeke statte I se no danger yn har of lyffe. and what so euer she wrytes yn excuse of hur selfe I hope ther wylbe aduysed consederacyons yn beleuyng har. and so wyssynge to you as to my deare fren[d] I comende me hartely to your selfe and you to the almyghty shefelde the xxjx of desember

your faythefoull assuryed frend


[I] came hether of crestolmes euen and lefte my letyll arbell at Chattysworth I thanke god she yndewred uary well with trauell and yat I was forsed to take longe Iornes to be here with my lorde afore this day

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