To the Right honorabell Sir Robert Sicill Knight Principall Secretary to hir Majestie
6. October 1600 Countess of Shrewsbury to my Master/.
good master Secretary./ I must continue my ernest suit for your honorable fauor, yat such Lands of my sonn Henry Cauendyshe, as were passed Lately vnder the great seale, by the Erle of Shrouesbury in too of his saruants names, most unconscianably and vnnaturally; might be reassured by them, to the right owners and possessors therof, according to iustice and equitie, and according to hir majesties most gratius intention, signified by proclamation for the quieting of hir subiects possessions; and herein you shall bind both me and myne greatly unto you./ my sonn William at his comming from London told me, yat you misliked in som parte his proceding in this matter; I besech you to make the best construction, I know he wold not wyllingly doe any thing to your mislike, he hath bene alweys much bound to you, and hath relyed greatly on your fauor. I pray you good master Secretary continue still your honorabell fauors towards him./ I wyll not now further trobell you./ I pray god to graunt you Long and happy Lyfe with all honor and contentment. from hardwyck this vjth of October./

your assuryd faythfull frend


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