Madame The cause why I have stayed to render you thankes for your most frindly lettre hath proceaded throughe a fever I was late visited withall since the recovery whereof we have been greatly troubled with wooinge matters vpon the arrivall of one Monsieur de Cymieur servant to the frenche Kinges bother who carieth himselfe in his charge with yat modesty & tem peraunce as he doth greately content all this courte. But what wilbe thissue of his arrande he onely knoweth yat sitteth above

About a fortnight past I sent vnto your Ladyship a copie of the aunswere I receaved from my cousin Sidnaye whereunto I prayed your Ladyship that I might receave your opinion how you did like thereof. And for yat I have receaved from you no aunswere It maket[h] me greatly to doubte yat the sayd lettres are not come to your handes. wherefore I have thought good to send you here inclosed an other copie. The gentleman himself according to his promise is come vp whom I finde verie well inclined to do as I shall direct him, he asked me whether yat your Ladyship ment to bestowe vppon your sonne anie of your westerne lande you had by Sir William Sentlowe which if it might be brought to passe I perceave wolde greately content him. I promised him to writte vnto your Ladyship and procure your speady aunswere therin which I humbly beseche you yat I may receave accordingly.

Since your departure I have not seen your sonne Master Cauendishe I wolde be glad he were here yat my cousin might see him in case you continue affected to the matche which I suppose will bothe content you for the person & for the Lyvinge. And so prayinge once again your Ladyship speady aunswere I most humbly take my leave.


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'Bess of Hardwick's Letters' was developed by The University of Glasgow with technical development provided by The Digital Humanities Institute at The University of Sheffield
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