To the Ryght woorshipfull hyr louynge cosyn henry babyngton esquyer
To Alysander Whyte this be delivered with spede
gentle cossyn babyngton after my very hartye comendacions you shall vnderstand that hauinge well & thoroughly consydred of the matter for which you requered a metinge to be this weke I fynde so many thinges towchinge the same to be consydred thatt withowt furder knolege therof had & a longer tyme to be aduysed therin yt shold be in vayne to troble the gentlemen ether to trauell or talke therof therfore I desyre you furste sende me perfyght notes of thold valwe of your landes, howe myche therof ys assygned for Ioynture or otherweys, which shall desende to your sone Imedyatly after you, which you will departe with presently to your sone which fynes & recognysanses haue byne knowleged by your father & your selfe so as I may vnderstond truly your estate & which shalbe your demaunde & gyue me tyme tansure you vntyll aester next & then vppon good occasion I shall very gladly persade into furder talke as I well hope to a good ende otherweys beinge destytute of councell for so weighti a matter I dare not talke furdur: thus I haue thought good to require of you before you for that cause trauell more therin or troble the gentlemen therwith & so wyshe you health this xxvth of marche 1565.

Your lovynge cosyn

Elezabeth Seyntloo

whyte whear you may vnderstande by thys letter that my lady sentlow wold haue the vallues off the landes and other order knowne befor the metyng off the gentyllmen/ which ys a thyng most nessessary I wold haue you to moue syr gervesse clyffton and syr Ihon sowche nere efter apon a further warnynge for so moch as ye may preseme my lady wold haue a tyme off survey with aduyse/ and as towchynge all hyr request I shall answer her reasonable In any wyse cawse with theme I may haue theme

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