To my wyfe the countes offe shrowsbury at tutbury yeve this
My dere none I have Reseved your lettar offe the viij of decembar wherin Aperethe your desyre for my home cummynge what my desyre is therevnto I Refarre the same to your construcsyon if I shuld go Iugge of tyme me thynkes tyme longar cynse my cummynge heddar with oute you my only Ioye than I dyd cynse I maryed you syche is faythefull affecsyon whyche I nevar tasted so deply offe before this day orre to morow we shall know grete lyklyoddes of our despache I thynke it wylbe kyrsomas evon before I shall Aryve At tutbury thynges faules oute very evoll Agenste the scotes quene what che shall doo yett it is nott Resolved offe/ As it chanses I Am gladde that I Am here for if I were nott I were lyke to have moste parte offe my leses graunted ovar my hedde there is syche sute for leses in Revarsyon offe the duche my parke that I have in kepynge called morly parke is graunted in Revarsyon for xxx yeres wherein I have made sum sture/ my good nebur hathe Apromes offe it I mene stannoppe but I shall make it dere the havenge offe it & if I canne gett it put in I Am Aboute to gett A frende offe myne to put the forreste of the peke in his boke I have offered a thousande pound for A les in Revarsyon for xxx yeres I must paye deneng vcli for his les of stoke how mony wylbe hadd for thes mattares Insure you I know nott/ I wyll make syche menes to master myldmey for the staye of tutbury tyth As I wyll nott be prevented for it is hye tyme for there was nevar sych scyfcenge & proubenge for leses in Revarsyon As be now at this presente my Lord steward hathe bene syke & in dangar but now well my Lord shefeld is departed this lyfe & my Lord pagett hastes Aftar your blak none is in helthe ho loves you nott nor you hym

your fethefull husband tyll my ende

G Shrewsbury

from the coutrte this monday the xiij of decembar now it is sarten the scotes quene cummes to tutbury to my charge in what ordar I can nott Asarten you

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