To the right honorrable my singuler good Lady the Countesse of Shrewsbury.
Wee did yester night cume to Ricote my Lord Norices Where Lait did arryve the countessses of Bedforde and Cumberland and therle of Cumberland the Lord Wharton and his wife the fatte Erle cummethe this day my Lord of Lecester beinge departed towarde the coort to Sir Thomas Greshams xxxiiijty myles hence (wherby you may perceave of his healthe) onely a Lyttell trubled (with a Byele drawene to a heade in the calfe of the Legge which maketh hym vse his Lytter/ The countesse kept hym over longe waykinge askinge hym if Buxstone sent sownde men haltinge home Butt I never dyd heare hym comende the place nor the interteigment halfe somuche. And did sware that he wished he had tarried iii wiekes longer with his chardge of vCli but saiethe he it hathe and would haue coste my frindes deeply. His Lordship wished her majesty would progresse to Grafton and Killingworthe vpon whiche condicyone he would see Buxstone this somer ageyne. But the next yeare is thretenyd that iorney I can send your Ladyship no more vnpleasant newes Butt that his Lordship hathe said with meny vowes that he wilbe as tender over your Lorde and your selfe, and bothe youres as over his owne healthe. And my Lord is very cayrfull over his too yoinge cossens master Edward and master henry to have them placed in Oxforde wishinge that he may fynde of his kinderid to woorke his good will vppon, as he hathe done hethertoo of meny vnthankfull persons, good madame furder you my good Lord your husband’s dispocycyon that way for your sone Charles my Lord will bringe his owld deade sewt vnto a newe Lyffe. And therwith I end in very humble sorte. the ixth of Iuly 1577/

Your Ladyship's ever at comandement

Ryc: Topclyffe:

The phizicions and all other rewele it over for the best woorke of the well that my Lord is trubled with a Byele and so hyme self thinkethe.

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