beloued doghttar ladie
sayntlo geue thesse
ywyth spide
...endinge you my Delie blessinge good doghtter I hertilie
...hanke you of your great candnesse shude to my
...ghtter margrett wch shie can neuer be abell to
...eseue butt throwe preyer doghtter I perseue that
my son stands in greate nide of moneye for pementes
he had to make doghtter seing ^my sun and^ you cannot a grie of the
price of the land at awdewarke it were muche to my
comforth if you wolde be so good to lende so muche
moneye as you thinke it to be worthe and if the
money be not paide be the daye a poyntede the land to be
^full^ boght and solde to you doghtter if you be mynded to bye
me sones land in holl and I a suer you it is verye good
^land^ and better then awdewarke and the tenentes hansum
men and the land stands vppon coule wch I thinke is
verye good for you doghtter if my sone sell this land it
were muche to my comforth that you sholde haue it before
anie other therfor I hertilie preye you good doghtter
sum what to streayne your selfe for my sake doghtter
the truthe is that sir francis leake is in hand wth my
sone to bye land in sonderye places wch wolde be great
discomforthe to me that he sholde haue it good doghtter
if you wyll helpe me sone or bargine wch ^for^ anie money
he must haue it be twyxte this and sondeye or eles
it wyll doo smale peasure thus fare you well
this present wedensdaye