To the Right honorable my Singular good Lady the Contes dowager of Shrewsburye at hardwick
This berer my old acquayntance woll nedes have me write to your honour humble thankes for your honorable favour and bounte towards him, he protesteth that he wold think him selfe happie if it myght be in him to doe enny acceptable service to your ladyship or enny of yours./ now good Madam for my self I must nedes acknowlege my self beholding to your ladyship for your late honorable and kynd favour, and the more that no synister practise can withdraw your good opynion from me./ your ladyship shall therfore evor command me, with my prayer to the almyghtie longer to preserve you. at kynnolton this xj of August. 1597

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Your ladyship’s most assured to be commanded

Ro. Manners

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