[Letter Text: Notes]
My duty m: honourably Remembred I truste yor La. will pardone ^me^ in wrytinge
playnely & truly, altho it be ether ^bothe^ blutley and tediously.
I mett my L. at bolsor yesterday aboute one of the clocke
who at the very fyrste was rather desyrouse to heare from
hence, then to inquyre of Kyllingeworthe, quothe he, gilbert
what taulke had my wyfe wth yo.w marry my L. quothe I
it hathe pleased her to taulke wth me once or twyse synce
my cumminge, but the matter she moste spake of is no
smale discomforte for me to vnderstande then was he
very desyrouse & bade me tell him what, I began./ tTruly
ser, wth as greved a mynde as ever I sawe woman
in my sam lyfe, she toulde me yor L. was vehemently
offended wth her, in suche sorte, and wth so many ^wordes &^ shewes
in yor angre, of evell will towardes her, and as therby yor La.
sayde, you colde not, but stande doubtefull of that all
his wonted love & affection is cleane turned to the contrary
for yor La. further sayde, you had geven him no cause
at all to be offended, you hearinge that yor imbroderers
weare kepte oute of the Lodge from theyre beddes by dykensons
Iohn dykensons commandemt, sayde to my L. thes wordes

noone, in the morninge, noone, did you gyve commandemt
yt the imbroderers shoulde be kepte oute of the Lodge,
And my L. answered no, Then quothe yor La. they weare
kepte from theyr beddes there yesternyghte, and he that
did so sayde Io. dykenson had geven them yt expresse
commandemt, wch my L. sayde was a lye, And he sayde
it was vtterly vntrewe, & so I wolde have gone on to
have toulde the reste, howe yor La. willed him to inquyre
whether they weare not in this manner kepte oute or no, his
procedinge into vhe vehement coller & harde speches, but he
cutt me of, sayinge it was to no purpose to heare any
resytall of this matter, for if he lysted he sayde he cold
remember cruell speches yor La. vsed to him, wch weare such
as, quothe he, I was forced to say tell her, she scolded lyke
one yt came from the banke, then gilbert ^sayd he^ Iudge you whether
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I had cause or not, well quothe he I will speke no
more of this matter, but she hathe suche a sorte of
varletts aboute her as never restethe carryinge of tales
& there vttered cruell wordes agaynste owen chefely and
the imbroderers, over lounge to troble yor La. wth, so beynge
alyghted from his horsse all this whyle, sayde lett
vs gett vpp and be goynge, and I shall have ynoughe
to doe when I cum home, then (quothe I) I thynke my
La. be at Chatesworthe by this tyme, what quothe he is
she gone from Sheffeld, I answered by ix of the cloke
whervppon he seemed to marvayle greatly, & sayde
is her malice suche she wolde not tarrye on nyght
for my cumminge, I answered yt yor La. toulde me
that he was contented at yor fyrste cumminge you sholde
goe as yesterday wch he fursware he never harde of
then quothe I, my La. further toulde me that when
yor L. was contented for her departure yo that day,
he sayde yt he had busynes in the Peake and
wolde shortely cum thither & lye at Chatesworthe
(quothe he) her cum goynge away thus gevethe me li ^smale^
cause to cum to Chatesworthe, but answered not whether
he sayde so or not, but I assure yor La. before god
he was & is greatly offended wth yor goynge hence yester=
After he had seene all his groundes aboute bolsor and
was comen into the way homewardes, he began wth me
agayne, sayinge yt all the house myghte deserne yor La.
stomoke agaynste him by yor departure before his cumminge,
I answered, besydes yt I sayde before, yt yor La. sayde
you had very gret & earnest busynes, as well at
Chatesworthe for yor thynges there, as to dele wth sertayne
freeholders for ser thomas stanhope, but he allowed not of
any reson or cause, but was exceedinge angrye for the same
wherevppon I spake at large, wch I beseche yor La. to pardon
my tediousnes in repetall therof, or at leste ye moste therof
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, quothe I, I pray yor L. gyve me leave to tell you playnely
what I gathered by my Lady, I see she is so greaved
& vexed in mynde, as I proteste to god, I never sawe
any woman more in my lyfe, and after she had toulde
me, howe wthoute any cause at all yor L. vttered moste
cruell & bytter speches agaynste her, when she all the
whyle never vttered any vndutyfull worde, and had
particularly Imparted the whole matter, she playnely decl
declared vnto me, that she thoughte, yor L. harte was
wthdrawen from her, and all yor affection & love to hate
& evell wille sayinge yt you toke it as yor crosse, yt
so contrary to yor deservinges he adiudged of you, applinge
the manyfolde shewes wch yor you so infyt infynitely
have shew made profe, & so forgott no earnest protestacion
yt yor La. pleased to vtter to me of yor deere affection and
love to him bothe in healthe & sycknes, takinge it vppon
yor soule yt you have wysshed his greives weare on yor
selfe to disburthen & quyte him of, and quothe I my
L. when she toulde me of this her deere love towardes
you, and now howe yor L. had requyted her, she was
in suche perplexitie, as I never sawe woman, and
concluded yt yor La. speche was, yt now you know he
was thoughte him selfe moste happye when you were
absente from him, and moste vnhappye when you were wth him, and att this I assure yor La. he melted, and
altho I can not say his very wordes weare, yt he had
Iniuryed & wronged ^you^ yet bothe by his countenance & wordes
he it playnely shewed the same, and answered, I know
quothe he, her love hathe bene great to me/ and myne
hathe bene & is as great to her, for what can a man
doe more for his wyfe then I have done for her, and daly
doe for her, and so reckened at large yor La. may thynke
wth the moste, what he had geven & bestowed whervnto
I coulde not otherwise replye then thus. quothe I,
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my L. she weare to blame if she consydered not
thes thynges, but I gather playnely by her speche
to me, yt she thynkethe notwthstandinge that yor harte
is as I have sayde hardened agaynste her, as I
have once or twyse alredy toulde yor Lordship, and
yt you love them yt love not her, and beleave thos
aboute you wt w hatethe her, and at yo departure
I sayde, yo La. toulde me, that yo verely thoughte
my L. was gladder of yo La yor abcence then presence,
wherin I assure yor La. he depely protested the contrary
& sayde, gilbert you know the contrarye, and how often
I have curced the buylded buyldinge at Chatesworthe
for wante of her companye, but (quothe ^he^) you ... see she
carethe not for my companie by her goynge away
I wolde not have done so to her ^for^ vcli but after
this he taulked not muche, but I know it pynched him
& in my conscyence I thynke so, but what ^effecte^ will follow
(god knowethe,) I will wryte agayne to yor La. what
I fynde by him this day, for yesternighte havinge
not talked wth any but my selfe, I know that
his harte desyred reconsyliation, if he wyste wch way
to brynge it to passe, The lyvynge god graunte it,
and make his harte turne to yor comforte in all thynges
/ To morow he will sende me to Darby aboute Sr
tho. Stanhops matter. I moste humbly beseche yor La. blessing
to me & myne, george reioyced so greatly yesternyghte
at my L. cumminge home, as I colde not have
beleved if I had not seene it. Sunday at ix of
the clocke. For godes g sake maddame pardone my very
tedyouse & evellfavored scryblinge.

yor La. moste humble and
obedient lovinge sunne
durynge my lyfe

Gilbert Talbott

the hastie lettres from Sr Iohn cunstable was to
advertise yt there are ij Scotts yt travell wth lyne
lynen clothe to sell yt have lettrs of importance
to this Quene thone of them is brother to curle
my L. huntington lettre was refusall of Land yt my L. offred him to sell.

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