[Letter Text: Notes]
My duty moste humblie Remembered R. Ho.r my moste Singuler good La:
This day my L. intendethe to goe to Worsopp, to morow
to Rufford, and on Saterday hither agayne/ He was not
so Inquysatyve of me touchinge yor La. synce my laste beyng
at Chatesworthe as he was the tyme before, only he
hathe asked me dyvers tymes when I thought yor La.
wolde be heare, wherto I have answered sum tymes that
yor La. was so evell at ease wth Reumme as you knew
not when god wolde make you able, other tymes, that
I thoughte of when yor La. were well you wolde desyre
respette to stay for sum mo...hes, if he wolde gyve you
leave, for yt you assuredly thoughte my L. was better
pleased wth yor absence then presence, Whervnto he Whervnto
he replyed very ernestly ...he contrarye in suche sorte
as he hathe done heretofore, when I have toulde him
the lyke/ I founde ... occasion to tell him that yor La.
mente not to houlde owen as yor growme any longer, seynge
it was his [deletion] pleasure to be so offended wth him, howbeit
(I sayde) yor La. toulde me that you knew not what offence
he hadd commytted, nor other by him at all then that he was
a symple trewe man, & yt you wolde be glad to vnderstand
w sumthynge to lay to his charge whye you sholde turne
him oue oute of yor servise, but he answered no other then
that it was his wille for dyvers causes yt he wolde not
vtter/ further I sayde yor La. toulde me you mente to take
sum wyse fellow to yor growme yt sholde not be so sympl...
as owen was, but one yt had bene in servise heretofore ...
and knew what were fytte & belonged for him to doe i......
yt service, (quothe he) I beleave she will tak...one of
my puttinge to her/ Synce yt tyme he gave no occas...
of speche of yor La. and in deede I have not ben...
very muche wth him thes iiij or v dayes, for he hadd...
muche busynes wth others, he is nothinge so merrye in
my Iugemt as he was the laste weeke, but I assure
yor La. I know not any cause at all, nor other thynge
I know worthye yor La. knowledge at this prssente. therfore
wth moste humble desyre of yor La. blessinge to me & myne and
or prayer for yor La. Continuance in all honor moste prfyte helthe &
felicitie ^I ceace^ Sheffeld this prsent thursday .i. Auguste 1577

Yor La. moste humble and obedyent
Lovinge chyldren.

Gilbert Talbott

M: Talbot §

George is very well I thanke god, he drynkethe every
day to La. grandmother, rydethe to her often, but yet wthin the courte,
and if he have any spyse, I tell him, La grandmother is come and
will see him, wch he then will ether quyckly hyde or quyckly eate, and
then askes where La. Danmode is.

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