To the right honorable my verie good Ladie the Countesse of Shrewsburie give thease./
master wyllobye
Vrgent occasyon hath made me bolde to write vnto your Ladieshippe at this instant; My wife hath beene longe sicke, and for the recoverie of her health is at Buckstones, wheare havinge receaved noe healpe is growne to suche weakenesse, that nowe beinge desyrous to retorne home is not able to adventure the iorneye eyther on horsebacke or in a coache. Whearfore I am humblie to desyre your Ladieshippe to lende her your horselitter & furniture, that by your Ladishippes good meanes she may salflie goe home. Thus hopinge of your Ladieshippes favour, in this bothe I & my wife in anye service we cann rest readie at your Ladieshippes commaundement. desyringe God to have your Honour alwayes in his protection. At Buckstones this xxvjth of Aprill 1589

Your Honors to commaunde

Fra: Wyllughby

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