To Iames crompe
crompe I do vndearstande by your Leters that worth sayth he well departe at our ladeday next I wyll that you shall haue hym bundon yn a noblygacyon to avoyde at the same day for sure I wyll troste nomor to hys promes and were he doth tell you that he ys to any peny behend for work done to master cauendyssh or me he doth Lye Lyke a false knaue for I am moste sure he ded neuer make any thynge for me but ij vaynes to stande vpon the huse I do very wel Lyke your sendeynges sawyers to pentrege and medoplecke for that well furder my workes and so I pray you yn any other thyngs that well be a helpe to my byldeynge Let yt be done and for tomas mason yf you can here were he ys I would very gladely he were at chattesworth I wyl Let you know by my next leters what worke thomas mason shall begine one furste when he doth come and as for the other mason wyche sur Iames towld you of yf he wyll not aplye hys worke you know he ys no mete mane for me and the masons work wyche I haue to do ys not muche and tomas mason well very well ouer se that worke I perseue sur Iames ys muche myslyked for hys relegyn but I thenke hys wesdom ys suche that he well make smale acounte of thatt mater I woulde haue you to tell my aunte Lenecke that I woulde haue the letell garden weche ys by the newe howse made agarden thys yere I care not wether she bestow any grate coste ther of but to sowe yt with al kynde of earbes and flowres and some pece of yt with malos I haue sende you by thys carerer iij bundeles of garden sedes all wreten with wellem marchyngtons hande and by the next you shall know how to youse then yn euery pynte frome the courte the viij of march

your mystres

E Seyntelo

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