To my verie good lord. the Lord Padget.
The contesse of Shreswesbury.
After my verie harty commendations./ good my Lord wheras your Lordship and other the Quenes Iustices shall have the hearing and determening of an offence to the lawe, for the deathe of a man by the great misfortune of one Robinson my servant/ I am in his behalfe, standing at theis assyses in Stafford vpon tryall of lyfe most ernestly to crave your Lordship’s favour towardes him, according to the true evidence alredy brought before the Coroner by men indifferent: and the same I trust is to be geven againe at the foresaid tyme before your LLordships. Truly my Lord I would gladly do the pore man good in this case: and therfore trust your Lordship will the rather at my request stand his good Lorde./ Wherin I shall thinke myselfe greatly behoulden, and wishe it in me to requyte suche your Lordship’s favour/ And thus leaving eny further to troble your Lordship do take my leave Sheffield the xxixth of Marche 1576./

your Lordship’s assuryed frend


my Lord Padget

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