my very good Lord
the L. Pagett
Shrewsbury toching
Mr duport 28° No
whome I haue knowne manie yeres of verie quiet behaviour is nowe
greatlie molested by some of yor L tennauntes of yor Mannor of
Winisell, wherein (as yt is said he hath receiued very hard
dealing. There hath bene moved by this occasion diuers sutes
betwene them, as indictmentes vppon the statute of periury &
and allso in the starre chamber, which maye to the further trouble
and great Charges of eyther partie, and yet (as yor L. knoweth)
the same must haue end according to the equytie thereof.
ffor that this poore gente is one that I would gladlie quiet &
relieve in his reasonable and iust causes, my request is that
yt would please yor L, that yor tenauntes may cease the
sute, lyke as he for his part is very willing to doe, as one
desirous of yor L favour, and hath often (as he saieth) dutifully
made sute for the same, And that all matters depending in
Controversie betwene them may be referred to the iudgement and
determinacion of some indifferent gentlemen in thos parties, who vppon the examinacon and hearing thereof may determine the
same as the equitie of the Cause requireth Wherein yor L
shall do a very good dede, in making peace and appeasing thos
troublesome sutes, by wch I thinke in thend neyther partie will
gaine, but the lawiers enriched and they (besides their gret
disquietnes and trouble) gretlie impoverished and hindred thereby
And I shall thinke my self beholding vnto you for the
same. And so wth my hartiest Commendacions I take
my leave of yor good L Sheffeld the xxviijth of
louynge frend