[Address Leaf: Notes]
xxj° Ianuarij .1568
The countesse of
[Letter Text: Notes]
your lorddshypp latters dyrected vnto my lord my
husband and to me yn hys absence bearyng day
dayte the xiiij of thys Instant montthe of
Ianuarye wos not delyuered vnto me before
the xx daye of the same at vj of the clocke
yn the euenynge/ surelye my .L. I wos muche
greued because ther was nomore haste wt
delyuerye of the sayd letters consyderyng the
weyghtye and great cawses dependyng thervpon
/ and my hummble dewtye and seruyse to be
shewed yn the dyspache of suche thynges
as the quenes mayestye requyrethe to haue
yn redynes wythyn tutbury Castell/ the
house beyng vnredye yn manye respecctes for
the receauyng of the Scottytyshe queyne cominge
at sodayne. I haue caused workmen to make
furwyth yn redynes all suche thynges as ys
moust needfull to be downe before herr her
cominge at tutbury and god wyllynge I shall
cause furthwythe thre or fowre lodgyngs
to be furnyshed wyth hangyngs and other
necesaryes and rather then I shuld not wt
trewe and ffaithfull hart answere the trust
reposed by the quenes mayestye I wyll lacke
furnyture of lodgyng for my selfe. thus wt
my continvall prayer to god for the preseruac
preseruacyon of the queenes most excellent
mayestye and my hartye commendacyons
unto your good lordshyppe I cease to truble
you any further at thys present ffrom tutbery
the xxj of Ianuary

your .L. assuryed frend

[Overleaf: Notes]
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