Too the Ryghte worchouppfull my uary frende syr Iohen thynne knyghte
The Lady Cavendyshe 25 February 1557
Syr I render unto you my mouste harty thankes for your manyfolde gentelnes shewed towardes me at all tymes only of your owne good dysposyon without any cawse mynysteryd on thes behalfe theys be to let you onderstande that hetherto I haue taken no hurte by the parlamante yet do I stylle stande yn great fear and shall do untyll such tyme as the parlamente ende whych I wysshe dayly for. the byll hath as yet been but once redde and y[s] so euyll lyked of the howse tha[t I] trust through the helpe [of] such [as] you and other [trewe made my frendes] yt shall take small effec[te to do] me any hurt the mater of yt selfe makyth me mo frendes then I loked for. [For] ther be fewe yn the howse but they or theyr frendes shulde smart yf the acte sholde passe mayster marston hathe shewed hym selfe so frendly unto me for your sake that more he could not do yf yt were hys owne case. I am glade that my lady hath so well spede I beseche our lorde to sende you meche commforde of your younge sone thus beynge allwayes bolde for to troble you I bede you mouste hartely fare well frome london the xxv of [Febr]ewary

your poore bound fren[d]

Elyzabeth Cauendyssh

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