To the ryght honorable my very good frend Sir Francys Walsingham knyght her majestys prencypall secretarye./
1584 6 April The Countesse of Shrewsbury.
Syr to vnfould my strange meserys shall but troble you so well knowing them, to tell you her majestys gracyus words frome tyme to tyme shalbe also nedeles, nether to declare the fassyon or cause of our delays or to remembar how by Letters from her selfe and others I was promysed defence from all opressyon what saruyce I haue done how absolutly without feare proceded multettuds can Iudge for many eyes behoulds me but yf my harte had not ben parfyete as becomes me thys trauell had not nead I could haue made my owne peace./ now my desyre ys being no Longar able to hould thys course that I may know what her magjesty ys detarmened in thys case and that yt wyll please you to bynde me so much more as to be a meanes to [p]urchas Lysence of her magjesty for my sonnes to seke ther Leueings in some other place and that only ther deets may be prouided for which the Lande wyll hardly doe in my lord's Lyffe and myne for synce they may not peacable inioy ther owne necessetye makes me sue for that which heretofore I would haue hendared by all means, and ther banyshment I trust wyll pacyefye hys indygnatyon, for my selfe I shall fynde some frend for meate and drenke and so end my Lyffe, Sir I beseeche you be earnest for vs and so I take my Leaue./ thys monday./

your dystresed dessolat frend./


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