[Address Leaf: Notes]
To the right honorable my
very good Lorde, Lorde
Tresurar of England
[Overleaf: Notes]
[Letter Text: Notes]
my very good Lord, yt pleased her magestye at my Laste attending
of her highnes, of her gracyus goodnes to assure me that your Lor...
and mr Secretary should in shorte tyme heare and make a fynall
end betwene my Lo: me and my chyldryn, of such wronges as
ys done to vs; my Lo: ^then^ promyssed to send vp his sonne harry Talbott
to attende one your Lo: and mr Secretar for the fenishing of thes
Lamentable Longe delayed causeds, yet ys the mattar styll put of
and yt ys now iij yeares and more that I and myne haue indured
thes extreme wronge, I beceache your Lo: to be ameane to her ma:ty
that we be no Longar delayed and that by your Lo: paynes and
trauell therin I we may growe to some ende, else are we not
able to indure yt any further, but to our vttar vndoing, her
magestye knowes I haue comytted no faulte, my desire was
to doe the beste saruice that dyd Lye in me, wthout respecte of any
perryll myght happen to me or myne my assured hope ys
that her ma:ty wyll deleuar me and not suffar Longar delays,
and that I may Leue wth my husband as I oughte, my Lo:
makes asporte at this broken reconsylment seing he ys suffared
to vse me as he Lyste since his coming downe hath he not
ben paste thryse wth me, stayed not aboue a day at a tyme;
nevar would suffar me to come to him to any other of his
houseds, tho I earnestly sued for yt, and that he promyssed
her ma:ty to sende often for me./ her magestys good
pleasur was and comandymente that I should adresse my selfe
to your Lo: from tyme to tyme, for any thinge wherin I
found my selfe wronged, wch makes me presume to troble
your Lo: the more, knowing that your Lo: wylbe moste ready to
see althinges parformed that her magestys pleasur ys to haue
done./ and thus beseeching the almighty to send your Lo:
amoste happye Longe Lyffe I humble take my Leaue./
at wengfeld this vjth Octobar

your Lo: pore frende greatly


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