[Address Leaf: Notes]
To the Righte honorable my
very good Lord the Lorde
Burgley Lo: Tresurar of
xj. Aprill. 1591
Countess of Shrewsbury
by Sergeant bradshaw
[Overleaf: Notes]
[Letter Text: Notes]
My moste honorable good Lord; your Lo:ps ould saruante my
good frend m.r Bradshaw coming by me in his retorne
toward the cowrte, I mighte not suffare him to pas
wthout my Letters of moste hartye thankes to your Lo:p
for all your honorable fauors towards me, and
wthall to segnefye partly to your Lo:p how matters
now reste betwene the earle of shrousbury and
me, wch I should haue thoughte fully concluded
yf be fore I had not had tryall of his strange
and vnkynde dealing; the xjth of marche Laste
mr markham being sente hether to me from the
earle of shrousbury and my daughter for to make
offars in respecte of my wedows parte, I tould
him yt was in veane for me to enter into
taulke wth him for that the earle hertofore
had refused such articles as he had set downe;
whervnto mr markham replyed that he had full
commetione from the earle to conclude all matters
and whatsoeuer he should now set downe he would
be bounde the earle should parforme them, so
that the xijth of marche Laste ther weare artocles
set downe by mr markham betwen the earle of
shrousbury and me and m.r markham bounde in
syxe thousad pounde that the earle should parform
them, before the Laste of marche; the effecte
wherof I segnefyed to my solesytor whaley
emediatly vpon the conclusyone, and commandid
him forthewyth to wayte of your Lo:p at your
Leasure and to declare the wholl vnto your Lo.p wch
was Longe for slowed by the neclegence of the
carryar that stayed my Letters as Whaley hath
wrete to me; since m.r markhams going hence
wch was the xijth of marche vntyll the viijth
of aprell I harde not the Leaste worde from
the earle though I contenewally expected
before the Laste of marche to haue all mattars
parfeted and to reseue both Leade and cattyll
according to the agremente; and assurance for
the mony to be payde at days sott downe in
the articles//
[page break]
the tyme prefexed being paste at the Laste I harde
that some strange and nedles quarryls weare intended by
the earle to breake of the agremente tho he nether
myslyked the same nor days of paymente the some being
so smalle in respecte of my dewe that in reason he ys
to conclude wthout any new inventyons, but he hath
founde me so forwarde styll in relenting my righte
and dew, that this thurd agremente thoughe a tryffell
wyll not please him, but that by pretending some
other matter he wyll styll seke to brenge me in the
ende to nothinge, but yf this goe not forwarde
I wylbe Loth to taulke the forte tyme/ what
he wyll doe yet resteth vncertine, but as things
further shall faule out I wyll presume to
segnefye them to your Lo:p and I humble beseche
your Lo:p to beare wth this my contenewall
bouldnes to troble you, the almighty grante your
Lo:p all comfortes and a moste happye Longe Lyffe
at winfeld this xjth of apryll//

your Lo:ps and so many
ways bounde//


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