[Address Leaf: Notes]
To the right honorable my very
good Lord the .L. Burghley
Lord Tresorer of Englande
21 Sept 1592
Countess of Shrowsberry to my L.
[Overleaf: Notes]
[Letter Text: Notes]
My honorable good Lord; I reseuyd your Lops lettre on wedensday towards night bein...
the xxth of this September, by a seruant of mr Iohn Talbotts of Irelande./ My good Lord I w...
at the first much trobled to think yt so wicked and mischeuous practises shold be ~
deuysed to intrap my pore Arbell & me; but I put my trust in thalmighty & wyll vse such
diliagent care, as I dobt not but to preuent whatsoeuer shalbe attempted by any wycked persons
against ye pore chyld./ I am most bounde to hyr ma.ty yt it pleased hyr to apoynte your .L.p
to giue me knowledge of this wycked practyse, and I humbly thanke your Lo.p for adurtising
adurtisinge yt, yf any such lyke hereafter be discouered I besech your Lo.p I may be forewar=
=ned./ I wyll not haue any vnknowen or suspected person to come to my howse, vppon ye least
suspicion that may happen here, any wey, I shall giue adurtisemt to yor Lo.p/ I haue litle resort
to me, my howse is furnished wt sufficient company, Arbell walks not late, at such tyme as she
shall take ye ayre, yt shalbe nere the howse, & well attended on, She goeth not to any bodyes howse
atall, I se hyr almost euery howre in the day, she lyeth in my bed chambre, yf I can be more ~ presise then I haue bene I wylbe./ I am bound in nature to be carefull for Arbell; I find hir
louing & dutyfull to me, yet hire owne good & safety is not derer to me, nor more by me regarded
then to accomplysh hyr ma.ties pleasure, & yt wch I think may be for hyr seruice./ I wold rayther
wyshe many deaths then to se this or any such like wycked attempt to preuayle./ About a yere ~
since there was on harrison a seminary yt lay at his brothers howse about a myle from hardwyck
whome I thought then to haue caused to bene apprehended & to haue sent hym vp; but found
he had licence for a tyme; notwtstandinge the seminary sone after went from his brothers ~
finding how much I was discontented wth his lyinge so nere me. Since my comming now into the
cuntrey I had some intelligence that the same seminary was come ageyn to hys brothers
howse, my sonn w.m Cavendysshe went thither of a sudden to make serch for hym, but cold not
find hym./ I wryte thus much to your Lop yt yf any such trayterus and naughty persons (thoroug hir
matyes clemency) be suffred to go abroad, yt they may not harbor nere my howses, wyngfeld, hardwik,
nor Chattesworthe, in derbyshyre; they are the likest instruments to put a bad matter in execu
execution./ On Morley who hath attended on Arbell & red to hyr for the space of thre yere & a half
shoed to be much discontented since my retorn into ye cuntry, in saying he had lyued in hope, to haue som
annuitie graunted him by Arbell out of hyr land during hys lyfe, or some lease of grounds to ye value
of forty pound a yere, alledging yt he was so much damnified by leuing of ye vniuersitie; & now ~
saw yt if she were wyllinge yet not of abylitye to make him any such assurance. I vnderstanding by
dyuers yt Morley was so much discontented, & wtall of late hauing some cause to be dobtfull of his
forwardnes in religion (though I can not charge him wth papistry) toke occasion to parte wth him/
after he was gone from my howse and all hys stuff caried from hence, the next day he retorned ~
ageyn, very importunate to serue, wthout standinge vppon any recompence, wch made me more suspicious
& ye wyllinger to parte wth hym./ I haue an other in my howse who wyll supply Morleys place
very well for ye tyme; I wyll haue those yt shalbe sufficient in lerninge, honest, & well ~
disposed, so nere as I can./ I am inforced to vse the hand of my sonn wm Cavendysshe, not
beinge able to wryte so much my self for feare of bringing great payne to my hed, he only is
pryuy to your Lo.ps letter, & neyther Arbell nor any other lyuinge, nor shalbe./ I besech your Lo.p
yt I may be directed ^from you^ as occasion shall fall out, to the vttermost of my vnderstanding, I haue & ~
wylbe carefull./ I besech thalmighty to send your Lo.p a longe & happy lyfe, & so I will.
committ your Lo.p to his protection./ from my howse at hardwyck this xxj.th of Sept 1592

your Lordships as I am bound


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