[Address Leaf: Notes]
To my Lorde
and my Lady
[Letter Text: Notes]
My duty moste humbly Remembered R ho.r my Sir good L. & father
altho it be now the parlament tyme, & therfoore very great resorte
from all places. yet all thynges (god be praysed) are in suche
quieat, as besyde matter of the parlament I know nothynge worthye
yor L to advertise yor L./ Touchinge them of the peake
foreste (wherof I wrytt to yor L. before) we coulde never
meete wth them since, for after they had delyvered there
supplicasion vnto one of my L. Tresurers clarkes, they never
came there ^agayne^ the coppy of wch supplicasion Iohn Knyveton
hathe, & I thynke hathe sente the same vnto yor L. And whether
they be returned backe agayne, or what els is becumme of them
we can not possible learne. we harde that they weare
but ij symple fellowes, wch of Lewdnes ioyned wth simplicitie
made them to attempte they knew not what./

The parlament is likely to ende very shortely./ I thynke to
morow the byll for the subsydy will passe our house,
there is a byll as I here in the hyerr house, that whosoever
will not receave the communion, & cum to the churche shall
pay yearely a certayne sum of mony, the wch is not yet
comme into our house. for the reste of the bylls yet spoken
of, they are matters of no great momment, & [deletion] tho for reformation
of abuses./ yesterday I dyned wth the busshopes of grace
of canterburye, who lyethe at Lambethe, newly made
Methrapoliton, he makethe good reporte of yor L. honorable
intertaynment of him at Rufforde, in his cummynge hither, I think
yor L. hathe a very good frende of him./ I here that my L. Huntington will be shortly at Yorke, it is geven oute
that he goethe hence the fyrste weeke of cleane lente.
as I wrytte to yor L. in the beginninge hereof, I know nothinge
more to imparte to yor L. wherfore moste humbly cravinge pardon
In lyke manner dutifully I beseche yor L. of yor blessynges, praying...
god Lonnge to continew yor L. in all honour & moste perfyte helthe.
from the courte this munday at noone the xxth of february 1575

yor L. moste humble & obedyent Lovinge Sonn

Gilbert Talbott

I here that my sister of Pembroke
growethe sumwhat better then she was,
yet weake still./ I am to crave pardone that I wryte ioyntely to yor honors,
bothe for wante of matter & hastie departure of this bearer./ alle at hackeney are very well
[Overleaf: Notes]

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