To my Lorde, And my Lady.
My duty moste humbly Remembred./ I receaved your Lordship's lettre on Wednesday laste by the ffynysher, And accordynge to your pleasure have taken order that he shall have glasse to worke, & a roume in Shrewsburye house to lye in, and to worke in. And after that he hathe fynyshed the glasse, he may take in hande the mendyng of suche roumes in yat your Lordship's house by roughcastynge them and seelynge them, as there shall be neede of, And then the season wylbe better for yat purpose then it is now. As for the armes in glasse which your Lordship wrytethe yat Clarentius the harolde did bespeake, and yat this bearer lyke him selfe did make stay of, yt is trewe that he wente aboute to staye them, but the partye yat is to doe them informed Clarentius therof, And so he proceeded with them notwithstandynge And as I here, it wylbe the fayrest glasse worke that is, lyghtely, any where in englande to be founde, I did longe synce informe Clarentius of the ffolly of this dolte in yat doyinge, who takethe excedynge great paynes in the matter, and suche as when your Lordship seethe it, you wyll thynke yourself very muche beholdynge to him, but I have not seene him yet synce I receaved this lettre, for we have soughte one an other this day & yet coulde not meete./ baudewyne was gone the day before that ye fynysher came./

May it please your Ladyshypp/ my Lord of Lecester delivered me this lettre inclosed yesterday, wherein he sayde was nothyng but commendacions, for yat he lackethe leasure, And indeede the Lordes hathe bene for this fortenyghte or more daly pestered with sondry pryvate sutes, commytted by the partyes to spetiall of them./

My wyfe remaynethe well I thanke god, but yet styrrethe not oute of her chamber, And master D Julio takethe very great payne with her. And thus we bothe moste humbly crave your honors daly blessynge, with our wonted prayer for your longe contynuance in all honour moste perfyte healthe, & longe lyfe. at the courte this xxviijth of february 1578. In haste./

Your honours moste humble and obedyent Lovynge sonne.

Gilbert Tallbott

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