haue seen you at my howse as we had appoynted where you
shuld haue byn as welcome as to any yor best frend, but am
hartely sory for the occasion of yor so soden alteracion
aswell in respect of yor greate grief as of the greate
losse my sonne Charles Cavendishe hath of so good & lovinge
a wife, a rare & prcious Iewell, and as there was
betwixt them a most faithfull knott of mutuall love
wherby wth his good & dutyfull behavior yor good likinge &
hartie affection [deletion] (as I hard) was so grounded towardes
hym as I doubte not but you will contynue the same
in as benificiall soerte every waye & asmoche to his
comoditie, as yt by her life might haue come to hym.
And consideringe the greate care & chardes of his parentes
for that matche, and that Sr Thomas Kytson hathe nowe
but one doughter, and none els neare vnto hym, I assure
my selfe by yor good meanes he will make accompte of hym
as his owne child and even so vse hym deale wth hym./
[deletion] I haue alwayes had so good likinge of hym as I hold hym
no lesse deare then any ^one^ of my owne and even so haue
care of hym, and therfore moste hartely crave yor goodnes
hym and what frendship I maye any wise do you or
any of yors you shall fynde yt assuredly as you wold
wishe/ And so I comyt you to god.
payns to wryt out thes towe
wth your owne hand