[Address Leaf: Notes]
To my lorde my
hosbande the yerle
of Shrouesbury
[Overleaf: Notes]
[Letter Text: Notes]
my owne good Lorde I longed greatly to here
frome you and thanke you ^moste^ hartely for
your Latter whyche wos a great coumfor...
to me, nexte to your selfe, no ther ys not
anythynng thynge coulde be more welcome
I wos yn some feare that your yerly Iorne
myght brynge you to some payne yn
your handes or leges, I haue thought
the tyme longe sence your goynge.
you haue bene letyll out of my mynde
I wolde you knewe my wholle thoughtes
I was somethynge afearde thys morny
mornynge that I shulde not haue sene
you afore your Iorney, now I shall
longe for monday and wyll yn the
tyme meanne ^tyme^ and euer wysshe to you as to my
owne harte and prey to the lorde to
sende you helthe wtall the hapenes
your selfe cane desyre Chelsey thys

your louynge and
most obedyante
faythefull wyffe


bare swete harte wt
my bletynge, of
late I haue yoused
to wryte letyll. wt
my owne hande
but coulde nott now
for bayre

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