[Address Leaf]
To the Ryght honorabell my
very good Lord the L
burghly L tresorar
of england
14. May 1570
The Erle of Shrewsbury
to my L.
[Letter Text: Notes]
My very good Lord I Am Alas bold to trobell
yor L in All my gret & weyghtys causes &
fyndes yor honorabell delynge every way towardes
me & myne to be syche that you holy bynde
me to be yores. My wyfe & I Repose grete
truste in yor L & that by yor good menes
hur Ma.te wyll show hur gracivs goodnes
to oure daughtar Lenox & hur lyttell one good my
L so doo for vs that oure sute may have good end
Afore the progresse knoinge yor L [deletion] honorabell
mynd so well but to doo [deletion] hurs & oures good I nede
no furthar to presse yor Lordship/ My L I Am
to thynke sum vnkynes [deletion] in you benge Abyldar & hath
nede of lede & wyll nott send to me to be yor purvay...
but At mydsemar I wyll have Adosun fothar in Redynes
for you to bere out from hull to teboldes/ & my wyfe
desyrs yor L shold end that house as you have begonne
so wyschenge to yor L as to my celf I end wt my
wyfes most harty commendacyons & myne to yor L
& my Lade yor wyfe & my lade of oxford Sheffeld
the xiiij of maye 1578//

Yor L most assured
fethefull frende

G Shrewsbury

your .L. ys not only trobeled
to moue hur magysty yn the
behalfe of my dowter of lenexe and
letylone for ther mentenance that
by hur Gracyous goodnes the mey
haue werwt to mentene them selues/ but as I
here your .L. hade some what ado to perswade hur
magystye beynge offendede that my dowter lay at sente
Iames, hur magystye thynkynge yt wos yn some howse he ha
my brothe wynfelde hathe hade that howse xv or xvj yere to youse
at hys plesure. I cane no more but thanke your .L. and thinke
my selfe mouste beould... to you

your .L. mouste assured

[Next Page: Notes]

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