verie good Lady, the Countese Dowager
of Shrewesbury. these delivered
hauynge beene sence my cummyng from you,
soe trobled wth preparyng for his Mai: cum=
nynge to this ruinated place, that I haue
had nether leasure nor fitt meane till noue,
when I dooe as I will euer acknouledge my
selfe soe much bound to you for your many
fauorrs, that I protest you shall euer command
me, and would be as glad of any cause wher=
in I myght showe it, as of any fortune
that could happen to me, wch I praye you
hould your selfe assured of. I will not nou
troble your La: wth wrytyng answere to
the speech that passed betwyxt hus concer=
nyng my Doughter, nor wth a further
sute that I am forced to macke to you,
but refer all to this berer, whom I pray
your La: trust, he is the man that I most
dooe. soe wyshyng your La: all happynes I