My bounden dewtie most humbly remembred to your Ladyship &c./ This wedensday, according to ye Lordes commaundment, master Holcroft, my self, & master Sutton with our counsell, attended in the after none at the Star chamber;/ And there likewise attended kidman & Caterall. The Lordes were so busied in other matters that they cold not here any thing this day towching concelementes./ There answere was, that when they satt next on these matters, we shold be the first dispatched There is no day now set downe, but we shall attend them, when they sitt for concelementes./ master Crompton this day moued my lord keper in the Star chamber yat whereas I and other defendantes (Crompton named none but me) haue demvrred vppon his bill of complaynt, affirming his bill to be so friuolus & insufficient that yt deserueth no answere, yat it wold please my lord keper to refer yt to some to consider of his bill and to make reporte to ye Courte whither there be cause to answere yt or not; my lord keper hath referred it to ye Iudges of the circuit none can [iud]ge better of yt then my lord Anderson, ... he hath bene partly acquainted with Crompton[s] honest & good actions. So yat this m[att]er I account ended, & I wysh yat Alwood were of the same mynd./ It is a thing materiall to be alleged ageinst Eyre in the Chancery that he hath made a dede of gyft of all he hath; wherof I knew not, but by your Ladyships late letter by watson./ My lord keper hath not yet giuen sentence on Eyre, Blunt & Columbell, vpon Master Barloes suit in the Chauncery but as I here master Blunt doth offer master Barloe fyve hundreth poundes to be at pease with him, for yt is thought master Blunt is in danger to be greuously fined in the Star chamber for periury & forgery, yf matters be not taken vp./ master Blunt liketh to be defended by the Erle of Shrewsbury; for yat the Erle hath the land, & his father bound to master Blunt to saue him harmeless for all matters touching master Barloe or his land./ but master Blunt seing no ayd, & yat all must rest on his owne sholders, entreth into wordes of great heat ageynst them, whom heretofore he most folloed, remembreth his ill hap to be drawen into the matter of the wayres at Shelford, whereunto he sayeth he was perswaded. Before master Barloes comming vp this terme; the Erle sent for him to Shefeld to haue taken vp matters betwene master Blunt & him, but master Barloe wold not be perswaded, so as he departed from Shefeld in displeasure;/ within few dayes after, master Barloe was sent for to Shefeld ageyn; but wolde not come. my Cosin Chaworth thinketh that the Erle cannot kepe any courtes in the forest of the peak, but yt may please your Ladyship to let thinges rest till after the terme, yat your Ladyships co[un]sell may be further advised vppon the sight of ... leass/ hir ma[jestie] morrow come to whyte ha[ll] Besides the cytie, ... Iudges and Serientes are all a[ppo]ynted to attend, which vsua[lly] they doe not; it is partly do[ne], as yt is sayd in respect ... moscovy Imbassadar./ I humbly thank your Ladyship for the handes of the three litle honest folkes subscribed in your Ladyships letter, I know by Iames writing; where he lerned his skill; I besech god to bless them; & to graunt that your Ladyship may se litle ons of them all./ master Serient warburton shalbe Iudge & it is thought shall come ye circuit with my lord Anderson./ There are no lesses yet made of the yorkshire landes, A great nomber of the tenantes haue attended here all terme & yet doe; they are vncerteyn what there dispatch wilbe And so having not further to aduertise your Ladyship I most humbly ceass, with my dayly prayer to ye Almightie to graunt your Ladyship long & happy health with all comfortes. most humbly beseching your Ladyships dayly blessings from London this wedensday night the xijth of November 1600

Your Ladyships

most humble & boundenn sonn

W. Cauendysshe

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