[Address Leaf: Notes]
To my wyfe
the countes of
[Letter Text: Notes]
My none I perseve by gylbardes lettar
that his ij lytelones you wyll nott suffar
to cum from you because of my daughtares
gonge to buxtons till there ^her^ Retorne Agen
& that you fynde yor celfe trobelyd wth pene
in yor hedde & stomake wyche I Am sory
to here & thynke it longe cynse I saw
you/ & because I Am in hope Apon mr
walsenghams lettar I shall have leve
to cum vppe to the court I have mynd to
send baldwen & Thomas crowche vpp to
London of tuesday mornynge by me suche
thynges as offer forse I muste be constrened to
have Agenst my commyng vppe & if hav...
sarves to commande them they shalbe Redy t...
it/ so longenge to here from you & hop...
you doo I wysth you as to my celfe th...
sunday late At nyght

yor fethefull husb

G Shrewsbury

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'Bess of Hardwick's Letters' was developed by The University of Glasgow with technical development provided by The Digital Humanities Institute at The University of Sheffield
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