[Address Leaf]
To the righte honorable my
verie good Ladye the countisse
of Shrewsburie at Hardwick
[Letter Text]
Righte ho: Ladie. As I haue sithens occasion hath offered bene redie to shewe
my poore affectionate goodwill to yor La: soe doe I in all dutie continue the same.
I meane in offeringe yor La: better pennyworth of my lande then any other shall
obteyne at my handes yf therfore it please yor good La: to accepte it. I desire
therof to be resolved, that as I am willinge to loose in respecte of yor La: favoure
I maie not for that be too muche hyndered. ffor I assure yor La: by the creditt of
a poore gente that I haue bene delte wthall for the bargayne sithens my departure
frome yor La: by those that are bothe able and willinge, and this in dutie and to
continue yor La: favoure doe I signifie. And not to flatter my selfe that wth
this color I maye drawe yor La: (whome I knowe to be wise) to a greater
matter then is alredie offered vnlesse you canne better resolue of the wothe
of thinge. onlie I desire that yor La: maye gayne by me. And this I
intreate (my good La:) maie suffise to shewe my poore thankfulnesse for all
yor honorable favours, and that when it shalbe to late for yor La: to haue
what I am willinge, I maie be then excused by this offer. And although
wee are not liklie to agree for this bargaine, yet lett me intreate soe
much favoure of yor La: as to speake to mr Candyshe to execute the writt
for mr Nedham wch I deliuered hym/ wch I knowe he maie easelie doe, if this
disagremente betwene yor La: and my selfe doe nott hinder ^it^, wch I hope
shall not. (And I humblie intreat it maye not) for it will muche
hynder me and not benyfitt hym. I am inforced vppon speciall
occasions to retorne to London verie shortlie, yf therfore it please yor
La: to commaunde me oughte, ether here or there, I am in all readines
to performe my beste service. I wilbe at my Cosyn Mundaye his
howsse on fridaie nexte whether yor La: maie sende if there be occasion
And soe humblie take my leave wishinge all helth and hapinesse to
yor good La. ffrome Stalye this thirde of Auguste
[significant space]

yor La: moste redie ...

Willi... ...

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