vnderstande from owre cosyn of Leycester
howe honorably he was ^lately^ receyved and vsed
by ^you^ owre cosyn the Cowntesse at Chatswoorth
and howe his dyet is by you ^bothe^ dyscharged
at Chatswoorthe Bvxtons we shoolde
doe bothe him ^great^ and you wronge ^howlding him in yt place of owre favor we doe^ but
chefely owr selves in case we shoold not
let you vnderstande in how thankefoll
sorte we accept the same at bothe
your handes wch we doe not acknowled
to be don vnto him but to owre selfes
and therfor doe mean to take vppon vs
the debt and to accept ^acknowledge^ you bothe as
credytors so you can be content to accept
vs for debter wherin is the daynger
vnles you cvt of some parte of the
large allowavnce of dyet you geve
him. wch maye lest ^otherwyse^ the debt herby may
growe to be so great as we shall not
be able to dyscharge ^the same^ and so become banke
rowte and therfor we thinke yt meet ^for the saving of owre credyt^
to prscrybe vnto you a proportyon of
dyet wch we mean in no case you shall
exceed: and that is two ownces to allowe
him, by the daye ^for his meate^ two ownces of fleshe
referring the qualytye to your selves so you
exceed not the quantytye ^and for his drynke^ the ... parte
of a parte of a pynte of wyne to comphorte
his stomocke and as myche of St Ames
sacred water as he lvstethe to [deletion] drynke
On festyvall dayes ^as is fyt for [deletion] a man of his qualytye^ we can be content you shall
enlarge his dyet by allowng vnto him for his dyner
a leg of the same besydes his ordenary
ownces. the lyke proportyon we ... you
shall allowe vnto owr brother of warwycke
saving yt we thinke yt ... in respekt
that his boddye is more replete then
others his brothers yt the wrens legg
allowed at svpper on festyvall dayes be
abated for that lyght svppers agreeth
best wt rvles of physyke. This order
owre meanyng is you shall inviolably
observe and so may you ryght well
assvre your selfes of a most thankfull
debter to so well deservng credytors.