To my Lorde and my Lady geue thes.
Pleaseth yt your honores tunderstand that synce our last lettars to you, whych we sent from Spyres we haue traueled thorough the cuntry of Swycerland into Italy whear for the shorte tyme of our trauel we haue seen many goodly Cittyes, as Myllan, from whence we traueled to Pauia, and so to Genua: and from that Cytty dyrected our iourney to Venyce, betwyxt with (sic) tow townes lyeth the greatest bredthe of al Italy, and tooke thes famous Cyttyes in our waye Fortona, Placentia, Parma, Mantua, Verona, Vicenza, Padua, to whych towne we came the ix of October, whear after we had rested tyl the xxviijth of the same moneth we went to see Venyce, whych doonne we returned agayne to Padua whear we remayne tyl we knowe your honoures pleasures, eyther for our farther trauel, aboode hear, or returne: whych your Honours’ myndes to vs once knowne we shal accordynge to our dewtyes very wyllyngly dooe any of thes. what we haue seen in thys iourney and the decryption of the townes to the best of our poure, with eych dayes trauel (accordynge to your honors commaundements) would we haue now sent wrytten in bookes, but that at thys present we had not fully fynyshed them and so ar constrayned to let them staye tyl the next post. Thus most humbly crauynge your Honours’ daly blessynges I end beshechynge god longe to to contynew your honors in perfect health and great prosperytye. From Padua the iiijth of Nouember.

Your honors obedient sonne

Henry. Cauendishe.

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