[Address Leaf: Notes]
To my lady/
[Letter Text: Notes]
In most humble wyse/ att yorcke assisses all thinges haue proceded against mr Basford with greate
percialitie. We could retayne no Sergante agaynst my lorde. Soe we intertayned one mr pepper
a Iustis of peace in that Cuntry and one mr heskethe./ vppon wedsenday in the morninge the proceded
to tryall haueinge there, Soliciters, mr Coplay, bayly Dickenson, Tomson and Ihon bouth. The Iury
beinge cauled and full, mr Basfordes Counsell put in the challenge, and pleded kinred betwne my lorde
and the Shreffe, which my Lordes Counsell denyed to be trewe, wherevppon an Issue was Ioyned
and tryeres apoynted, videlicett Willm Vesser and Thomas blowme, hearevppon mr Basfordes counsell
gaue in evidence the pedegree vnder mr Somersettes hande, and I was Sworne it was made by the same
harroulde, and sett downe as yt is in the harrouldes booke. and the kindred openly confessed by mr
Shreffe him self, beinge twyse publickly asked by mr Iustis Clenche; wherevnto mr Coplay very
Impudently answered, that the herroulde had mistaken the Lycke, and soe might mistacke this. which
was all that coulde bee sayde agaynst the pedegre: Notwithstandinge the tryers beinge wthout doubte
determined before to fynd for my lorde. founde for his Lordshippe, contrary to the pedegre, and the
Shreffes open Confession, whereatt the audience dide greatly wonder and some sayde that the tryers
cane in noe wyse cleare them selues of wilfull periury. Afterwardes when the Counsell for mr ~ ~ ~
Basforde made Lawfull challenge to diueres of the Iury beinge my lordes one men and mr Edwardes
talbotes: The weare Lykewyse allowed as indifferent men. Then for the proufe of the wordes
thate mr Basford should speacke was produced Richarde and Robert Ridler onely, agaynst whom we
offered to showe acertificatte vnder diuers Iustices handes of glocestershire to be red to the Iurours ~ ~
Declaringe the conversations and Lyfes with there beggery, which would not be Suffered to be shewed
to the Iury. Then for the Creditt of the Ridlers too as vnhonest as them selues one Bayinarde
and Byse weare deposed that the weare comitted very honest men in there Country and ether of
them satte of iiij xxli rente, which as yor Ladishipes knoweth the be thre yeare behinde for, to
Sr Charles and Willm Cavendishe, for these thre years last past, and otherwayes indetted to them
not able to paye, and promuised adischarge from my lorde: This was opened, but nothinge that
we sayde stoode for reason, and Bayinarde and bysse sayd the harde mr Basforde saye that his ~ ~
Lordshipe had reased twentie thousande men, to which was answered by one of oure Counsell
that mr Basford sayd where there was aspeach that the peacke wales should be pulled ~
downe, that yf soe many should haue come thither as his lordshipe had directed his ~
preceptes for there would haue bene to that number/ which preceptes mr Coplay coulde not
deny but sayde that the weare made for the someninge of Courtes. Vppon this the matter
was referred to the Iury who haue founde agaynst mr Basford, and haue giuen his lordship
athousand pounde damages agaynste equitie and Concience: But after in the towne there was
such speches of the manner of procedinge, as I will warrant in this part great men maye doe
what the Lyste for meane men will not adverties nay the see thinges be proved that never
was spoken. Shortly I shall wayte of yor Ladishipp, and therefore now I touche all thinges but
brefely. And thus with my dealy prayer to the almighty for yor Ladishipes Lonnge & prosperous~
health with present quiettnes and Increase of honores I humbly cease Rawthorne the xixth of march

Yor Ladishipes most humbly

Hercules Claye

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