[Address Leaf: Notes]
To my very good Brother
m.r Iohn Manners Esquire/
[Letter Text: Notes]
Good Brother, I vnderstand you intende shortly to goe to London, I wishe you a
good and happie Iourney, I have ben earnestly entreated by Edward Slater
and his wyfe to write to you in theyr behaulf, that you woulde showe them
what lawfull favor you maye in the tedious and Chardgable sute betwene ye
Ladie Bowes and them, wherein as you knowe they have ben verie much
wronged./ I praye you t...efore at my request to let them have your
favor and furtheraunce in that matter so farre as the equytie of the
cause requyreth./ and espetially in a bonde of fyve hundreth poundes wth
the wch he sayth he hath heretofore acquaynted you./ And so wth
my hartie Commendations to you and my blessing to my sonne & my
Daughter I end this second of Aprill 1597./

your louynge syster
and assuryed frende


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