full & my very good
lady & mrs the lady
sentlo gyue this
Ryght worshipfull my very good Lady thys shall be
to Lett your good Ladiship vnderstand that I receued
A letter frome your good ladyship the whych dyd
dyscoreg me wery sore Although yt were not tre...
And wheare As your ladyship sayd that your
frendes therabowt dyd let your ladyship vnder=
stand that I weare muche Abrode Abowte me
pleasuer be iij dayes to gether yt ys not true
for I were neur Absent ij dayes then iij neur syns
your ladyship went but at my fathers At
wakes that me father & serten of my frendes
met me there & I went of sundaye in the
mornyng After I had bene in the waren
& came Ageyn of mondaye at nyght & last
one to walke the waren when I were Absent
And wheare your ladyship sayd that your
nebores dyd tell you that I were neclygent in
lowkyng to the waren/ But I dyd woll know
that the had not so lyttell honesty to wryte
to your ladyship any such vntruth but And yf
dycons wold not haue had yt known he
showld not haue Rejoysed & sayd to my frendes
yt yt were hys letter that mayd me to be
so Rebuked At your Ladyships hand wherfor
I thynk my selffe very vnfortunat to haue such
one As he ys to make me to haue Rebukes
vnworthy And I do not care what any can
wryte agaynst me so that I do my duty vnto
my offes that I haue charge vppon that
when the that hath knowleg shall see
my doynges the whych I trust shall be fatles
And when your ladyship were At chatsworth
your selffe the were yt towld you yt there were
not xx copeles of conys in the grownd but
lyke as ther knowleg were so the spake & now
ye maye see ther selffes Ahundereth copel at a tyme
& doth saye there ys conys very great plenty
knowleg ys better to be credyt then myne
I Ame not mete to be in An offes/ for there
ys no mane that hathe Anoffes but he can
tell how to behaue hym selffe yn hyt or ell...
he ys not fyt to be in hit/ And as for
birrowes makyng we haue taken Anorder that
the^ne^xt workadaye After crystenmas holydayes
we wyll haue a great sort of serten of our
nebores to cast borowes & in the men tyme
we wyll be doyng As we maye for I haue
mayd ij borrowes my selff & couered theme
wt thornes & now I must make trapes eury
daye As I may cum to & I haue taken syns
I wryt to your ladyship both doges & fornash...
& of wedensday beyng the vij daye of desembr
in the mornyng then came ij copell of hownd...
in to the waren & huntyd the conies & I
ran vp & downe the wod & w were Angary
At theym be case I had Runn so sore at them
& At lengh I wyth my byll cut iij of
them very sore that I thynke ye wyll not
lyue & then came one & sayd the were his
maysteres mr fyharbartes & I sayd I dyd not
care whos the were for yf the hunntyed ther
I wold kyll them & there mr wer by & yf he
wryt to your ladyship of hit this the truth
As All the howse knoth & the conys be
gynneth to make ther nestes Ready now for
I haue fond deueres holes stoped close vp
after them yt ye may be Ready Agaynst marche
thus I praye Ihesus prserue your ladyship
long in your prosperytie ffrom chatsworth the
viij daye of desember//
faythfull servand