[Address Leaf]
To the R. honorable and
my approued good Lady
the Countesse dowager
of Shrewesbury.

att Hardwicke
[Letter Text: Notes]
May yt pleas yor La.p to vnderstand that we heare
heare for Certayne that vpon thursdaie & fridaye
last att night diuers of the Cittie of Lyncolne
& other such vnruly persons thereabouts have throwen
open Certayne inclosures of Sr Thomas Mount=
sons, & Sr Thomas Dallysons neere Lyncolne.
The Kinge hath diurs tymes spoken of somme
Lawe to be made agaynst Inclosers but ther
is yet nothinge done therin. The parliam.te
sittes still but hath very little to doe./
yt is nowe agreed that Sr Thomas ffleminge
who is Lo. Cheif Baron shalbe Lo. Cheif
Iustice of England, and Iustice Tanfeild
shalbe in his place & Srgeante Crookes shall
succeede him./ his Ma.tie intends a progresse
(notwthstandinge all these stirres) into the Ile
of Wight, but the Iests are not yet sett
downe. yt is sayd he will goe wthin these
xiiij or xv. dayes to Theobalds & lye there
somme ^smalle^ tyme & then begin the progresse. The
Lo. Treasurer is Comme to his howse ^heere^ agayne
who had bin in the Countrie for a tyme very
discontented. I thinke partely wth somme message
the Kinge sent him aftr he had refused to paie
money to ye Lo. Hey wch his ma.tie had giuen
him. & partely also because the great sute for
Sr Richard Lewsons lands is passed agaynst
Sr George Curzon our Countrieman, whose
daughter & heire the Lo. Buckhursts sonne
hath married. his ma.tie aftr somme displeasinge
messages sent ye Lo. Treasorer a dyamond
& wished he might liue so longe as that ^ringe^ would
Continue, wch they say reviued my Lo. Threasurer
agayne. Thus being bould to troble yor ho. wth
these small mattrs wch are the certaynest newes
that I Can att this tyme write to yor ho. wth
my dayly prayer to god for yor La.ps longe lyfe
wth the Continuance of health, increase of honor
& all happinesse to yor La.p & all yo.rs I most
humbly take my leave & rest./

Yor La.ps euer most humbly
to be Commaunded.

W:m. Knyveton:.

22°. Junij

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