And so most humbly Cravinge your Ladyships parardon for this my bouldnes and the Continuance of your honour & good opinion of me, with the remembrance of my humble dutie & service to your honour I most humbly take my leave and rest./
To the Right honorable &
my verie good Lady the
Countesse of Shrewsbury
att Hardwicke
Right honourable & my very good Lady I most humbly beseech your Ladyship
giue me leave to acknowledge the manyfolde bonds of
dutie & loue which I owe to your honour from whom (I most
humbly thanke your Ladyship for the same) I doe still receave
so many honourable favors, nothwithstandinge god hath taken
awaye the meanes wherby (& not by any defecte of
myne owne I might have hoped for the least parte
of that honourable bountie which yt pleaseth your Ladyship still to
afforde me with the Continuance of your Ladyship most
honourable favors and Countenance which I respecte aboue
all the rest. & for the which I doe & will euer Confesse
& acknowledge my selfe infinitely bound to your honor
& I most humbly beseech your Ladyship accordinge to your
accustomed favor, att this tyme to accepte of
my humble prayers to god that he will preserve your
Ladyshipp in healthe honour & all happines, not onely this
newe yeare which I praie god may be honourable & prosperous to your Ladyship & all yours but euen as many more
yeares after, as shall seeme good to his Majestie that your
honour liue vpon this earthe. to the great ioye & Comforte bothe of me & many others, but of my selfe
Cheifly aboue others, who must needes Confesse
my selfe more bounde to your Ladyship then any other.
& who will euer remayne as dutifull & seruiceable
to your Ladyship as your many & honourable favors have bound me
to be. which is more then I Can make showe of but
not more then I am allwayes readie to Confesse
& shalbe most willinge to make proofe therof when
soeuer ther shalbe any occasion offered for me to
manifest the same./
And so most humbly Cravinge your Ladyships parardon for this my bouldnes and the Continuance of your honour & good opinion of me, with the remembrance of my humble dutie & service to your honour I most humbly take my leave and rest./
And so most humbly Cravinge your Ladyships parardon for this my bouldnes and the Continuance of your honour & good opinion of me, with the remembrance of my humble dutie & service to your honour I most humbly take my leave and rest./
Your Ladyships euer most humble
and readie to be Commaunded
W:m. Knyveton:.
Myrcaston this last
of December 1607.