[Address Leaf]
To my most honorable and worthy
grandmother the Countesse of
Shrewsbury at Hardwicke/
[Letter Text: Notes]
Madam, as soone as euer God, out of his greate goodnes,
had blessed vs with a sonne; wee all resolued, to haue bin
Sutors vnto your La:, that you would vouchsafe, to haue
bin his godmother; but it hath pleased the Queenes mtie
(oute of her especiall fauor) to interpose her selfe; farre
contrary to aoure expectacion, (seeing it hath neuer till
this time beene seene or knowne that the kinges mte and
the Queene haue christened any childe together,) wch
must at this time, stay the proceedinge in oure firste
desire, vnlesse, eyther the vnusualnes, in like cases, or some
other accidente, may diuert the Queene from her in=
tente, which, if it doe happne, then, wee will aduertise
your La:p thereof by poaste, and will earnestly goe
forward in oure humbe suite. In the meane time, my
wife & my selfe, beseech your La:p, that you will make vs
both, with your little one, happy, by the continuance of yr
La:ps good wishes, and daily blessinge; and cease not our
continuall prayers to God, for your La:ps longe health
and happines and soe I rest

Yr Laps louinge & dutifull son to

Arundell §

Arundell house this
27th of Iune/

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