[Address Leaf]
To the most Honorable
La: the Countesse
of Shrewsbury dougrer
at Hardwike
[Letter Text: Notes]
My most Honorable good La: vppon occasion
of my continuall followinge of his Matie in his
iorneys I haue ben longer silent then I
should haue ben: The newes heere is all in
parlament busines The matter of religion
to compell euery man to the comunion hath
much trobled them but now they are agreed
that all shall come to the communion within
the space of 2 yeares or else they shalbe
be in the nature of recusants for the
matter of purueance the Kinge is very desie=
rous for the ease of the subiect to haue a
composition and to pay a yearely soome of
monny and to be freed from the purueor
But as yet the Lower house will not heare
of any composition for that they feare they
can haue no assurance from the Kinge
and then they should boeth giue ther
monny and be trobled with the Kinges
takers to/ It is thought the parlament
is like to continew yet a good while
for they must part with on subsidy more
and 2 fiueteenes or else this is nothinge
that they haue don: The prouinciall
of the Iesuites Garnet who is in the
Tower will proue a notorious traytor
and to haue had his hand in all these
treasons and a principall man that cau=
sed them to take armes when the pow=
der plott fayled The Earle of North=
humberland will goe cleere in this mat=
ter his Lady is permitted to come to him
and ther is expectance of his liberty
shortly But with the rest of the Lords
it will goe hard Ther be many
[page break]
Traytors sent doune into ther seuerall counties wher
the dwell to be executed ther and some more
arraynments are expected heere The Kinge
of france hath raysed a great army and is
reddy to goe into the feeld but no man know
eth whether or agaynst whom but as it is
thought agaynst the duke of Bullayne who
is at a place called Seydan toward Germany
but he maketh all his neyghbors afrayd

Our Queene and mistresse groweth bigg
and looketh her about the latter end of May
The Court will tarry heere at White Hall
till Easter and then to Greenwich wher
the Queene purposeth to lye in

Thus hauinge no other matter at this time
to troble your Honor withall with my hum
ble Duty I take my leaue beeseechinge the
Lord to keepe your honor longe in health
and prosperity from the Court this
7 of March 1605

Your Honors most assured
and faythfull poore frend

Iames Mountagu

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