Worshypfull & hys verye
good lady & mysterys
the lydy sentlo//
plesythe yor ladyshyppe to undarstand that my lady
Cobham was brought to bede of a son wythe in
ij or iij days aftar ^I wryte^ to you my lord of huntyngton and
my lord darleye crystenyd the same my ladye//
marquys lyethe at the cowrt/ my mastr and mr/—
controlar Is become frendes thys last weke but they
haue kepte but lyttell companye togethurs neuar
syns what theye do here aftar yor ladyshyp shall
undarstand mastar k clarke hathe thought good that
my mastar shuld haue ij gowns made agenst crystmas
whyche Is a nyghtgowne of ueluyt & a short gowne
of damaske thus wysshyng yor ladyshyp moste prosperys
helthe I tacke my leue/ from lundon this xiiij of