[Address Leaf: Notes]
To the right wrshipffull
and my Singuler goode
ladye my ladye Sentloo
at London this be delivered./
[Letter Text: Notes]
Right wurshipffull. and my vereye good ladye/ after my
hertiest man.r I comende me to yor good ladishepe/ even so
preye yo.w I meye be to good Mr Sentloo/ most hertelye
thanckinge yow boothe/ for yor great paynes taken wth me
at holme/ acceptinge eurye thinge (thoughe it were neur
so rewdlye handlyde) in suche gentill sorte as ye dyde
wch doithe and will cause me to love yow the better whuell
I lyve/ yf I were abill to doo yow othere pleassure or service
and the rathere because I vnderstand/ that yor ladishipe
hathe not forgotten my sewte to yo.w at yor goinge awaye
as speciallye to make Mr Sackvile & Mr attorneye my
ffrendes/ in the mattr betwene Mr whalleye and me
wrin he doithe me playne wronge (as I take it in my
concyence) onelye to kepe trouble & vnquyett me/ But
I trust somoche in godes helpe/ and partlye by yor ~
ladishipes good meanes/ and contynewance of yor goodnes
towardes me/ that he shall not ourthrowe me in my rightiose
cause/ and touchinge suche cominication. as was betwene
vs at holme/ yf yor ladishipe. & the gentillwoman yor
doughtor/ lyke or boye vppon sight/ aswell. as I & my wife
lyke the yonge gentillwomman/ I will not shrincke one
worde. ffrome yt I said or promysed/ by the grace of gode
who preserve yor ladishipe/ and my mr yor husbande
longe togethere/ in wealthe. healthe and prosperytie. to
his pleasure. and yor gentill hertes desyer/ ffrome my
pover ^house at^ woodhouse. the iiijth of november .1561:

by the
rewde hastie hande. of yor goode ladishipes. assuredlye
allwaye to comaunde/

George. pierponnte. K.

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