[Address Leaf]
To the right wrshipfull
and my vereye good
ladye my Ladye Sentloo
at Chattesworthe this be delivered
[Letter Text: Notes]
Right wurshipffull. and my vereye good ladye/ after
my hertiest comendacions to yor good ladishepe remembred
even so require yo.w I meye be to good Mr Sentloo. wth
most entyer thanckes for my wyne yt I haue ben bolde
to take of his lyberalytie/ most hertelye thanckinge yow
ffurthere for yor bountiouse goodnes & cost bestowed of
henrye my sonne & of those yt were wth him at London
as also for the good will and ffauor that I perceave ye beare
to my said sonne/ wch I preye gode he maye deserve/ and
perceaved ffurthere yf ye coulde geat leave ye woulde
come to Chattesworthe this whitsontide/ whethere ye would
be glade to haue me & my wiffe to come. lyke as I
vnderstand the same. by a lettre receaved this morninge
ffrome Mr Hardwycke/ wrbye I do not onlye perceave ye
be come to Chattesworthe but would haue me & my wife
to come over to make merrie/ but to procede ffurthere to
the perffytinge of the wrytinges accordinge to or formr comunication
trulye madame I woulde as gladlie come as ye woulde be
to haue me/ but I am not abill to goo nor ryde/ but to
my great payne trouble & shame/ and because I woulde ye
shoulde not thincke I doo yt to staye of anyethinge/ wch I am
as willinge to haue performed and perfyted as ye arre/ after
the wrytinges be maed & sealled/ yt shull be at yor pleasure
to cause the same to be drawen in paper accordinglye as
I thincke ye haue goode remembrance of tharticles of or
agreament/ ye recyted them so fformallye a lytill before
or partinge/ and so send them to me/ or else I to geat them
done/ thoughe learned men be skaunt in the countrye at
this presente/ and so I to sende them to yow. wch ones agreede vppon
by vs boothe and or councelles then to ingrose the same readye
to seallinge. wch for my parte I shall doo. so ffare as I can
wth my helthe/ and after to haue the matrymonye so sone
accomplyshed. as ye shall seame goode & conveynyent at yor
pleasure/ and forasmoche as I am even nowe & haue bene
for this fourtnight or iij. weekes. moche troubled. wth payne
of my disease I shall require yo.w to take this rewde
wrytinge in good part. yt wrytes wth moche payne/ vntill
I know furthere of yor pleasure in the meane season leavinge
to trouble yo.w anye ffurthere. doo bechese beseche allmightie
gode to haue yo.w and Mr Sentloo eurmor in his kepinge. ffrome
holme in hast the xviijth of maij 1562.

in hast & leasureles
by yor good ladishipes to his lytill powere/

George. pierponnte K.

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