To my Lady./
My humble duty rememberd./ This daye I was at Master Dales and my brother William with me who had conference with the ould gentelwoman and she sayes that she vtterly mistook Master Talbott when he reported your Ladyship's offers for she thought it had bin doble as much as now she perceaues it is but not with standynge she sayes she doubtes not but your Ladyship will deale well if the matter take effect but gladly she would haue that your Ladyship did com vpe for she and hir husbande had rather agree in consent with your Ladyship then talk by any frendes./ agayne she hath promised hir Magesty not to conclutt any maryage with out makinge hir priuy vnto it soe that for that espetiall cause she wisheth your Ladyship's presence for that she thinketh your Ladyship fittest and best able to attayne it sonest./ my brother bought a Iuell and presented it in your Ladyship's name, humble thankes was giuen vnto your Ladyship but the mayd would receaue non with out hir mothers consent, then hir mother was tould how your Ladyship had sent hir daughter a token and wished that she myght weare it as a well wyshing from your Ladyship; and that you ment not to receaue it agayne nether to bind hir to any inconuenience by the receatt of it, lik thankes was giuen but she would not admitt hir daughter to take it with thes wordes that vntill some further sartanty weare hir daughter shuld not receaue any thinge. Soe that [except] I perceaue the only hope of your Ladyship comminge./ thus most humbly crauinge your Ladyship’s dayly blessinge I seace./ Cooldharber this xviij of Iune./

your Ladyship's most obedient and louinge sonne./

Charles Cauendysshe./

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