To my loveng wyff att chatesworth yeve thys wyth spede./
my honest swete chatesworth I lyke the wekelye pryce off my hyred cowrte stvff so evyll thatt apon thvrsdaye nextt I wyll send ytt home agayne att whyche daye the weke endyth I praye yow cawse soche stvff as mowsall left packt in a schete to be browght hythar by the nextt caryar there be hand towels and other thyngs therein thatt I mvst occvpye when I schall lye att whyte hawll my men hath neyther schvrtt nor eynye other thyng to schyft them vntyll thatt cvm./ trust noen off yowre men to ryde eynye yowre howsyd horsys bvtt onelye Ihames cromp or Wyllyam marchyngton bvtt neyther off them wythowte good cawse serve spedelye to be doen for nags ther be enow abowte the howse to serve other pvrposys./ one handfvll off otes to everye one off the geldyngs att a wateryng wylbe svffysyent so they be not laboryd yow mvst cawse svm to overse the horskepar for thatt he ys verye well learnyd in loyteryng./ the qvene hath fownde greatt fawt wyth my long absens sayeng sche wolde talck wyth me farder and thatt sche wolde well chyde me therevnto I anseryd thatt when her hyghnes vnderstode the trawth and the cawse sche wolde nott be offendyd wherevnto sche sayed verye well [syr] very well howbeytt hand off hers dyd I nott kysse./ the lorde kepar hath promysed me fayth fvllye to be att boeth dayes heryng and that yff eyther lawe or consyens be on my syde I schall have ytt to my contentasyon./ Vawghan ys cvm vnto towne bvtt not yett bagott./ stevyns and we schall go thoro on frydaye nextt at whyche tyme hys brothar wylbe here who hath dysbvrsed sevyn hvnderyed off the xij. hvnderyed pownds./ I have had extreme payne in my teeth sythens sondaye dynar./ thvs wyth akeng teeth I end prayng the lyveng to preserve the and all thyen wrytan att london ageynst my wyll where I my yff other wayes owre mattars myght well be endyd thys xxiiijth off october./

yowr loveng hvsband wyth akeng hartt vntyll we mete

Wyllyam Seyntlo/

yff yow thynck good lease yowre fysschyng in dove vnto agard we ar the losers by svfferyng hytt as we have doen./

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'Bess of Hardwick's Letters' was developed by The University of Glasgow with technical development provided by The Digital Humanities Institute at The University of Sheffield
Version 1.0 | ISBN 978-0-9571022-3-1
© 2013 The University of Glasgow
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