My ow...

To ye. Right Worshipful Lady StLowe
We travaile good madame in your matters to all your instructions with souche saving suertye and order as your frendes pore wittes can devyse/ I am glad you are in healthe, and I trust the sight of your nere fynyshyd building will contyneue yt/ Sir William Stlow must now tarry bye yt, to Render his Credit of negligent wayting/ It will stand you in hande to forbeare him more then you have, that bye keaping his Credit and acquaintance he may a lyttle euery yeare further his state with som litte suyte/ commend me to my frende, yet I forbeare for lacke of leasure to write and send to her/ and salute your Sister and her knifton with thankes for my Cheare an other tyme more at large writen the xxij of October 1564

Your owne assured and Sir William St Lowes

Rct. ...

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