To my wyfe
My dere none of All Ioys I have vndar god the gretestes is your celfe/ to thynke that I posses so fethefull & one that I know loves me so dearly is All & the gretest comforte that this yrthe can gyve/ therefor god gyve me grace to be thankefull to him for his goodnes shoud vnto me A vyle synare & where your Advyse in your lettar you wylled me to burne whych I dyd that I shuld nott be Akon to this lade nothyng of the mattar my stomake was so full I Asked hur in quyett mannare whedder che wrytt Any lettares to Any hur frendes that I wold stand in hur tytell che Afyrmes of hur honor che hathe nott but how so evare it is che hathe wrytten therein I maye safly Answare I make small Acounte thereof I thanke you my swete harte that you Arre so wyllenge to cum whan I wyll/ therefore dere harte sende me word how sone I myght send for you/ & tyll I maye have your compeny I shall thynke longe my only Ioye/ & therefor Apoynt me Aday/ & in the mene tyme I shall contente me with your wyll & longe dayly for your cummynge I your lettares can very well & I lyke them so well they could nott be Amended & have cent them vpp to gylbard I have wrytten to him how happe he is to have syche Amothar as you Arre fare well only Ioye this tuesdaye mornyng

Your fethfull none

G Shrewesbury

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'Bess of Hardwick's Letters' was developed by The University of Glasgow with technical development provided by The Digital Humanities Institute at The University of Sheffield
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