countes of Shrewsbury
erles man & have Resevyd xxxiiij dosen of him
& & payd him for yors/ whereof I have delyverd
xx dosen to the scotes quene from you ho gyv^e^s
you gret thankes for them I have also Resvyd the the
casteng flagon & Aboxe of consarve of Roses yor
frend hath wylled me to make hur there commendations
vnto you to morow At nyght I mynd to cend one
vpe vppe wt my tame stage if you wyll have
any lettares vppe in haste fare well my dere Iuell
... tuesdaye At nyght I thanke god I am
... & bettar yett contynwe in grete pene styll
I here no nues from Above cynse yor departure
hens/ sheff & as I here you shalbe Advartesed