[Address Leaf]
To my
[Letter Text: Notes]
My duty moste humbly Remembred vnto yor good La.

by wrytinge of my Lords letter, I becum ignorante what to wryte
to yor La. vnlesse I shoulde declare the same over agayne, and
I make none other accoumpte, but wher I wryte to one it is to
bothe. This bearer Mr Tyndall was at hackey, where he founde
them their well, And I truste very shortely that the dregges of any ^all^
misconstructions will be wyped away, that their abode their after
this sorte, wilbe altered./ I studyed, accordinge vnto my duty
to haue donne what in me Lay, if neede hadd bene, to haue answered
thos leude fellowes of the Peake that came hither, them selves knew
not wheraboute, only drawne by doultishe perswasions, of like to
travell hither, & by sum of their owne confessions, promised their sute
shoulde be favored by & preferred by sum of the Bowes at the cowrte,
whos w dishonest and folishe deling, breedeth a doble shame to them
selves. And thos pore ignorante fellowes yt came, are contented to ~
returne agayne as they came, As I thinke Iohn knyveton hathe more
at Large advertised yor La. The creadite of Sr Ierrome and his
brother is farr lesse in all others syghtes, then in their owne vayne
imaginations, who by their lokes are very like to deseave straungers,
I harde Sr Ierrome say, his towe brothers Edwarde & Roberte are in
fraunce. but sum thinke yt they are still in Inglande. It may be
it was spoken to thende yt I shoulde here it, for I was taulking wth
an other, harde by him, when he spake it./

My sister Penbroke is now m growne meetley stronnge agayne, and
paste all daunger, her ma.tie sendeth ^to^ her continually, she hathe prayed
me to doe hir humble and very hartie commendacions vnto yor La./

of other thinges I humbly crave pardone of yor La. because of my L. lettre
./ I truste not to tarry here passing a weeke, but woulde be gladd
before my cumminge to vndestande sum sertayntie of the progresse, wherof
I am in great doubte. And Thus I moste humbly crave yor La.
daly blessynge, & pray to god for yor La. lonnge continuance in all
honor & perfyte healthe from shrewesbury place this xiiijth of may .1575

Yor La. most humble, and
obedient Lovinge sunne

Gilbert Talbott

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