To my Lady.
My duty moste humbly Remembred Right honorable and my singuler good Lady I hope your Ladyship will houlde me excused rather in wrytinge altho I know nothynge worthy advertisinge, then is by salence I should neclect my duty. my Lord god be thanked is very well, and is presently here at Wynkefylde but returneth agayne to morow to sheffeld, where also your Ladyship's tale fellow george, his moother and bebba dothe well. All thynges are so well and quieat that truly (as I haue sayde) I know not any thynge wherwith to enlarge this letter. The rather for yat I wrot[e]... passyng ij or iij dayes synce to your Ladyship and was then dryven [to] sende my letter to my Aunte knyveton for yat my selfe ... not of any messenger to carry hit, so yat vnle[ss]... happ she knew how to convey the same. I stande ... of the tyme of [your Ladyship's] receyte therof. ... your Ladyship of your blessynge to vs your ... named in this lettre, moste humbly cravynge pardone ... the shortnes therof. And praynge to god for your .../> Lonnge continuance in all honour moste perfyte healthe ... happines in all thynges. I moste humbly take my lea[ve]... Wynkefylde, this xxviijth of may .1576.

Your Ladyship's moste obedient and very Lovinge sunne

Gilbert Talbott

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