yor L. to remember
theyr case knyves.
pacquett to my L. of Lec. who vppon redynge therof
sayde he wolde wryte to yor L. by a poste yt
is here, & willed me to sende away yor Lackey.
I asked him how Longe he thoughte to tarry here
and prayed him to tarry as Longe as myghte be
but and he sayde he knew not whether to
goe to chatesworthe on twesday or wednesday or
thursday cum sevennyghte but thone of thos three
dayes wthoute fayle/, There came sum score of fowle
hither on saterday wch serve here very well ~
yesterday & will doe thes iij or 4 dayes.
Sr Hughe chomley sente hither to my L. of Lec.
a very fatte beiffe, wch my L. of Lec. bedd
me goe doune to see, and to take him to vse
as I lysted, but I toulde him I was suer
yor L. wolde be angry if I toke him, yet
for all yt, he wolde force me to take him
and so I kepe him here in the towne tyll
I know yor L. pleasure what shalbe doune wth
him, he wolde serve very well for chateswrth
mr D. balye thynkethe yt they will tarry
ij or iij dayes at chatesworthe. There is
no worde yet come from my L. of Hundin
gton & my La. whether they will ^meete^ my L. of Lec.
at chatesworthe or not, if they doe, (as he hathe
wrytten very earnestly to them), I thynke he will
not cum to ashebye, but goe the nexte way to
Kyllingeworthe & there tarry but ij or iij dayes only.
/my L. of Rutlande by reason of the fowle afternoone
yesterday, Lay here all the Laste nyghte, in ye chambe...
where Sr Henry Lea Lodged./
my L. of Lec. who sayde, that he thoughte it were
farre better for him to deferr her sutes to her ma.tie
till his owne comminge to the courte then otherwyse to
wryte to her before, for yt he thynkethe her ma.tie will
suppose his lettre were if he sholde wryte were but
at yor La. requeste & so by an other lettre wolde streyghte
answere it agayne & so it doe no great good but
at ^his^ metynge yor La. he will (he saythe) advyse in
what sorte yor La. shall wryte to the Q. ma.tie
wch he will carry vnto her, and then be as
earneste a solisitor ^therin^ as ever he was for any thing
in his lyefe, & he doubtethe not to prvayle to
yor La. contentacion./
To morrow my L. of Lec. menethe to goe to Sr
Peres a Leyes to mete wth my L. of Darbye, if
the wether will be any whytt fayre./
And thus moste humblie cravinge yor ho: blessinge
wth my wonted prayer for yor Longe continuans in
all honor & moste perfyte healthe & Longe Lyfe
I sease. at buxstons in haste this prsente
mday before noone.
obedyent Lovinge Sonne