To the ryght honorable and my assured good lady, and mouther the Countes of Shrowsbery:
Good madam, acordynge to my dewty, I would haue wrytene oftener, yf I could haue learned, any newes worthey the wryrtynge, but my comeynge to the court, Is so selldome, as I knowe your Ladyshype, doth here from thensse, by othersse, a great dell more, then I can hereof, yet I truste your Ladyship wyll geue me leue, to remember my dewtye, In wrytynge, after my olde acoustemed manner. whych I wyll not slake god wyllynge, though my matter be never so small, yet my dewtyfull good wyll I hope your Ladyship wyll exepte, In as good part, as I meane yt, yf I could haue sent, any good newes of my syster of Penbrokes good delyuery, your Ladyship should haue hard of yt or nowe, but I fear yt wyll not fall out so well as I could wyshe yt had and for thys tyme, I humbly take my leue, besycheing, god to send your Ladyship your hartes desyre, From Eareth the xxjxth of Maye:

your Ladyship’s assured louyng daughter to comande:

Anne Talbott

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